Thursday, June 23, 2011
Work Day & Women's Luncheon Yesterday
Señior Duuuglas here. After 36 hours in the bed I am feeling good and almost back to normal. Most of the team has come down with some kind of cold-like sickness over the past 2 weeks. Nothing to be concerned about - sore throat, congestion, overall weakness, etc... the typical ''cold''. It seems to last about a day or 2 then it's gone (praise the Lord for His great invention of an immune system!!). So far Laurie, Erika, Stacey, Kathleen & I have had it... the others have been spared ;). My mom would be proud, I actually stayed in bed the entire time and ''doctored-up''... I watched it work for Kathleen & Erika earlier this week so this crazy gringo took notes and applied what I learned. Plus, my role down here this time is to operate in the background as Laurie establishes her leadership as our newest CR Missions Director. There is only 1 steering wheel in a car and it works best when 1 competent person tries to steer it. I want her to have the freedom to drive ''the vehicle'' as God directs her, absent of the added pressure of someone looking over her shoulder or driving from the backseat. I'm here to assist, encourage & intervene if necessary. I'm so proud of Laurie... she has taken the bull by the horns. It's not easy leading a program... especially without a day off over a 50-day stretch!! Leadership means that you are always ''ON'', that you always feel the weight & responsibility for the consequences of each decision. It also means that you begin to experience a lonely place as you begin to step on toes during decision making, correcting, instructing, & sometimes confronting. Hug your group leader, your pastor, your boss, your parents today... they all take the driver's seat & the pressures that come with that seat so we can enjoy the ride. ///// Ok, ok, let me get off of my soap box... here's the updates: Over the past 2 days Laurie & Team Estrogen (the all-female mission team) were able to complete the cement floor in the new cafeteria & begin a new sidewalk in front of the same building. Yesterday afternoon the team was part of a town-wide women's luncheon. Laurie & Madi gave their testimonies and most of the team performed a skit about the grace & forgiveness found in Christ. From what I hear the skit & testimonies went great!! A few of the ladies from our mission team also helped supply child care... they thoroughly enjoyed being with the beautiful Costa Rican kids. Last night the team was invited to our bus driver's house for a spaghetti dinner. As usual Marita (our bus driver's wife) made an amazing meal!! The team then returned to the bunkhouse for our nightly Impact Point in which they prayed for the community. After a few hours of needed sleep the team had a quick breakfast and departed for their weekly beach day!!!! When they return we are all going to our cook Lela's house for a chalupa dinner (our favorite meal!!!). And to finish off the night we are gathering with another mission team from Christ Fellowship Church of Ft Lauderdale, FL for a concert night of praise & dancing at the Banyan Resources' property - Arbol de Vida. It should be a fantastic time!! //// Well, I better get going... I've been on the computer for 6 hours trying to reply back to emails and take care of the administration side of GTD. It takes A LOT of time to run an organization... and seeing all that God is doing in people's lives, it's worth every hour!! All glory to God!! And special thanks to my sister Traci for all the work she is doing in FL while we are in CR (you're awesome Sista!!)! OK, adios amigos & amigas!!