Tuesday, April 30, 2024



One of the biggest highlights of IGNITE last week was Traci being able to bring Dad up after his dialysis treatment! It wasn't long before The Tomato Man had a golf cart, a driver, a new best friend, a megaphone, and access to his new favorite song - "Homegrown Tomatoes" sung by John Denver. Just like Johnny Appleseed introducing America to apple trees, Dad is like Jerry Tomatoseed introducing the world to vine ripe delicious red tomatoes AND his new favorite song hahahaha!!


Over the weekend we had a blast with the youth & youth leaders from the Seminole Campus of Calvary Baptist Church of Clearwater! It was a beautiful sunshiny day, but very windy & choppy... we almost had to cancel our quest to paddle across the channel to Archies Island, but since their youth leaders brought a boat we were able to formulate a gameplan to safely paddle to the island. The winds & the chop only added to the adventure! We all had a God-awesome time overcoming the obstacles and seizing the challenge!! Our devotions were out of the book of James. We had fun with the water blasters and squishy balls, and enjoyed lunch on the island. We love this church, their youth, and their leaders, and can't wait for our next adventure together!! Special thanks to our Staff and newest Junior Volunteers for helping make this event a wonderful success!!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Just brought Dad back from the hospital...

Just brought Dad back from the hospital... today he had a heart catherization and 4 stents placed in arteries with 80-90% blockages. This is related to the "heart attack" symptoms he was feeling a couple of months ago when we went to the ER. The Tomato Man is back home and resting now. (His picture was very unflattering so I gave him a "face-lift").

Friday, April 26, 2024


Unfortunately I had to have my big beautiful oak tree in the backyard cut down because it had an unstoppable disease. This tree was one of the top 3 reasons I bought the house... the trunk measured over 14 ft in circumference... I had plans to run a zipline from it and a bunch of other fun ideas. 
One thing that complicated using the tree for fun (and complicated cutting it down) was that there were power lines going along 2 sides of the tree. In recent months huge limbs started breaking off and hitting the power lines. 
So I had to say goodbye to Ole Oakley. But the tradeoff is that I just gained about 1200 square feet of usable space that I couldn't use before (Score for me & GTD!!)... plus 2 or 3 winters worth of firewood! I would have rather kept the tree, but the new usable space is a nice silver lining! 
And now that I've got less shade & more sunshine I see a garden in my future... and maybe a workshop... and maybe a new spot for my gym equipment... or maybe a spot for the GTD trailers... or maybe a spot for a few bounce houses hahaha! The options are almost unlimited! 
We tried to get some large slabs of the tree for live edge tables & counter tops, but we were told by the arborist that this was a Water Oak and they don't cure well and keep cracking & checking... plus it has to dry for 1 year per inch of thickness so 2-3 years before I could do anything with it. So not getting any slabs is okay because I sure don't need anymore projects on my to-do list that I can't ever get around to LOL!
Cut down sections of the main trunk were weighing in at over 8000 lbs!!
Big thanks to BAM'S TREE SERVICE for making quick work of this job. They are sending out the stump grinder next. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024


I had a blast yesterday recording a 15 minute interview about GTD on the set of CTN's TV show Bay Focus with host Darlene Greenlee! GTD has been extremely blessed to be a regular guest on Bay Focus for the past 20+ years, and EVERYTIME it's so much fun full of a whole lot of belly laughs before, after, & sometimes during the show.
The Bay Focus program we recorded yesterday will air next week on Wednesday, May 1st at 11:30 a.m. and again on Thursday, May 2nd at 7:00 p.m. on CTN/WCLF TV 22.

They also post the show the following week on their Bay Focus social media. We will post the YouTube link of the show when it has been uploaded.

Thank you so much Darlene!!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


One of the best parts of IGNITE is the campfire time combined with worship! SPECIAL THANKS TO MARK & MELISSA ROUTMAN FOR LEADING OUR CAMPFIRE WORSHIP!! In fact, Mark got the whole campfire ablaze!

Monday, April 22, 2024


Wowwww, God blessed us with an incredible time on our IGNITE Camping Retreat over the weekend!! Our entire crew of around 50 people (some not pictured here) had a God-awesome time on this jam-packed 48-hour camping adventure. More pics & stories on the way!!

Thursday, April 18, 2024



We haven't had a chance to build all the shelving in our new trailer (from last year) so we are still using "Ole Grey". We take off tomorrow morning to head to Word of Life in Hudson for our annual IGNITE Camping Retreat... we have about 50 people looking forward to a God-awesome weekend!! Can't wait!!! Yip! Yip! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Our new paint color for the formerly known as "Green Monster" is the BEHR 2024 COLOR OF THE YEAR >>> Cracked Pepper 😀

This color is nothing to sneeze at! As the age old saying goes, "If you're getting a little salty with your old faded paint then spice it up with some cracked pepper!" Who would have thought that this 3000 year old sage advice would come in so handy in this season of our ministry when selecting storage container paint in 2024?!?! It's such a flavorful play on words I can almost taste it!

We still have more to add to this awesome 40 ft storage container (including a new name), but this project is moving forward every few weeks 😀 ... GREAT WORK BY OUR YOUNG GUNS!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


In case you haven't noticed we have a lot of projects going on over here at GTD Central Command. This week the young guns and I are getting sh(r)edded assembling sheds, building shed platforms, and leveling the ground for proper shed placement. Thankfully with all the shedding going on we haven't shed any blood! Today we placed 8 sheds (four 3'x5' slimline metal sheds and four plastic "half" sheds) behind the storage container. The big challenge over here is that I've got a ton of GTD adventure gear, my own stuff, my Dad's stuff, and a couple of friends' stuff with no room to renovate... in other words, I can't progress on all the office and home renovations until I've got a place to put all the stuff that's in the way... so our medium term solution is 8 storage sheds that can be concealed behind the GTD 40' shipping container to hold whatever we can. These kids are so fun and great to work with! Each week we are making solid progress, and having fun while we do it!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Any of Jim's friends want to go visit him with me tomorrow???

I'm driving up to Ocala (2 hrs away) tomorrow morning to visit Jim Butski if any of Jim's friends want to join me. I can take 3 more people. We will stay for 3 or 4 hours then drive back home. I'll be departing from Pinellas Park around 8a and should be back around 4 or 5p.

Jim can use some love, support, & encouragement if you're able to go.

Jim will be in Ocala for about 12 days and then will possibly be going up to Michigan near his family for more aggressive physical therapy.

Let me know if you want to jump on the party truck and go visit Rock Star!


One of our most popular events of the year is only 1 week away!! GTD's IGNITE Camping Retreat is going to be so much fun! And at only $55/person it's less expensive to go to IGNITE than it is to stay home! 
Simply register online to lock in your spot(s)!
IGNITE Details, Link & Registration:

Friday, April 12, 2024



THE 2024 SOLAR ECLIPSE TOTALITY IN 1 MINUTE! Wait for it, wait for it ...Gotta love that time-lapse!!

Thursday, April 11, 2024


Laurie & I had a spontaneous quest to go see the totality of the eclipse. We threw this trip together in a few hours just a few days before the eclipse. We could have gone to many locations to be in the path of totality. Laurie picked Memphis because she has recently become a big Elvis fan and wanted to visit Graceland. I've never really been into Elvis, but always appreciated his reverence for God & humility with all his fame. So with all the movies & documentaries that Laurie has been watching about Elvis in recent months I've been turning into a late blooming mini fan... sooooo I was all for buying some blue suede shoes and visiting the mansion & museum of the OG American super mega-star. We used our free flight miles (take-off on Allegiant and return home on Southwest), booked 2 hotel rooms, and RESERVED & CONFIRMED a rental car. We were setting out on a 48-hour Spontaneous Adventure to see the totality of the Solar Eclipse and visit Graceland. The forecast wasn't looking too good for the eclipse as we got closer to departure so we picked a few locations in northern Arkansas & southern Missouri where the cloud forecast was better... and all of which were 2-3 hours away from Memphis. The forecast kept changing so we were going to be flexible with a mobile mentality and keep moving based on the day-of forecast. We were dependent on our rental car! I had never rented from Thrifty, but we got the best rate from them and reserved a mid-size car to be picked up at the airport when we landed. Our flight was scheduled to land around the time that all the car rental agencies were scheduled to close so I made a 2nd reservation for the next morning at an Enterprise about a mile from our hotel in case we missed our Thrifty rental. Sure enough we got caught in some bad weather and had to circle the airport for 45 minutes before we could land in Memphis. We had a gameplan... Laurie would get the checked luggage and I would run to the car rental in hopes that someone stayed late at the Thrifty counter. Did I mention that we found out before our flight that there were no more rental cars available at any car rental agency at the airport. But still we were hopeful since we had a reservation. So I took off for the rental car section of the airport which was waaaaay on the other side of the airport. To my surprise there was still an employee working at the desk! I showed her my reservation, and she said, "Sorry, we are out of cars." It wouldn't had mattered if our plane was 4 hours early... they had customers with reservations waiting for several hours and most of them didn't get a car. As Jerry Seinfeld says, "You know how to take the reservation, but you don't know how to hold the reservation." With no cars left at the entire airport we got a cab ride to the hotel 20 minutes away in Olive Branch, MS. Laurie's room was on the 2nd floor and my room was on the 3rd floor. I put all of my clothes in a duffle bag inside the only piece of checked luggage that we brought. It was close to midnight so I took my duffle bag of stuff & went to my room with the plan to get up early and jog about a mile to Enterprise (who we have always successfully received our car rental from). According to their website they opened at 7a and our RESERVATION & MULTIPLE CONFIGURATIONS was set for 7.30a. But just to be on the safe side I was going to arrive at 6.45a before they opened. But I forgot my running shoes in the suitcase that was in Laurie's room. I didn't want to wake her up so I used another pair of shoes not great for jogging and decided to leave earlier and walk instead of jog the mile to Enterprise. It was a crazy busy commerce road with no sidewalks so I walked along the busy traffic and it had rained throughout the night. I got to Enterprise at 6.45a where they had plenty of cars in the parking lot. The sign on the door said they opened at 7.30a (their website said 7a) so I sat outside for 45 minutes. By the time they opened up a small crowd of customers had formed a line behind me. Not a problem since I had a RESERVATION & SEVERAL CONFIRMATIONS on my app, emails, & print-outs. I approached the counter with my reservation & confirmations to only find out that there were NO MORE CARS AVAILABLE!! According to the staff there were 50 other reservations before mine that they had to fulfill before I could get a car!! Well, why give people a reservation & multiple confirmations if that's the case! I would have spent my available time looking for other options instead of putting my time into this ultimately useless "reservation". He said he may have a car for me in the afternoon. Well, if we had any chance of seeing the totality of the eclipse we had to leave our hotel in the next 2.5 hours. Disappointed with Thrifty & Enterprise, but still optimistic and resolved to find a way to see the eclipse I sent a text to Laurie about the situation and called Enterprise while walking back to the hotel. The Customer Service Department told me they were going to find me a car and drop it off at my hotel, but each branch they set up a car reservation with called me to inform me that there were no more cars available. We were running out of time. I was considering an Uber for the long ride there and back, but could we arrange that in less than an hour?? Then I got a text from Laurie!! She reserved a van from Uhaul!!! It was the last van in the area available (but was it really available??? Or was it like the rental car agency???)... we wouldn't know for sure until they opened at 9.30a. So we got an Uber and took off for Uhaul 20 minutes away. To our amazement and joy... upon arrival we saw possibly the only rental vehicle in the region was in fact there, and it was available!!! PTL!!!! Laurie did it!!!!! She thought outside the box and came up with the best idea that saved the entire trip!!! It was going to end up costing about $100 more than a rental car, but who cares, we had a solution literally with no time to spare!!! That van was gross with slime all over the steering wheel, cup holders, & dashboard... it smelled like smoke & wet dog... it was a mess... and yet it was the most excellent vehicle I had ever seen because it was hopefully going to get us to our destination!!!! It was our vehicular salvation!!!! Our Spontaneous Adventure became The Amazing Race to Totality... and by the grace of God and Laurie's BRILLIANT IDEA & INITIATIVE we now had the needed vehicle just in the nick of time to set out for our quest for Totality!!! But would we make it in time??? What was the traffic going to be like??? Could we find a location without thick cloud coverage??? Would the van actually make it 3 hours away without issues??? The answer to all those questions is >>> Wowwww, we did it! We made it to the area of totality for the eclipse just in time!!!! It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen!!! We found a remote spot on farmland in Pocahontas, Arkansas with clear blue skies!! We spent the next 3 hours relishing every second of the eclipse... and when Totality happened it was all worth it!! We experienced 4 minutes of Totality and it was absolutely amazing!!! It was worth every ounce of effort and we are so happy we didn't give up!! We went the distance and got to experience a rare gem of a site... I'll never forget! I'd go again in a heartbeat!! We checked out the cool nearby small town, ate at a delicious Mexican restaurant, got ice cream, then hit major traffic jams on the way back to Memphis. It took 3 hours to travel 2 miles! But we made it back to the hotel by midnight. The next day we used that same most excellent Uhaul van to go to Graceland. We had a blast! A few hours later we dropped off the Uhaul and got an Uber to the airport just in time to catch our flight. Traci dropped us off at the airport on Sunday night and Carson picked us up on Tuesday night. It was a jam packed 48 hours of go, go, go... and it was an unforgettable Amazing Race that we won... we stuffed so much into 2 days that it felt more like 2 weeks. Way to gooooo Laurie!!!! You saved the entire trip!!

Sunday, April 7, 2024



Laurie & I had a lot of flight miles built up over the past 5 years so we threw together a quick 48 hour adventure to fly into Memphis and go see the eclipse & swing by and say hey to "the king of rock'n roll". Flight departs at 7p... Memphis & north Arkansas here we come!!
UPDATE: Our Spontaneous Adventure is turning into The Amazing Race LOL... Our plane couldn't land on time due to heavy storms so we flew around the airport for about 45 minutes... by the time we got to the rental car agency there were no more vehicles available (in the entire airport) even though we had a reservation (can you say Seinfeld!!)... we knew it was iffy that we would make it to the rental car agency before they closed so I made a back-up reservation at a different rental car agency about a mile from the hotel while we were in Florida... we took a taxi 12 miles to our hotel... Laurie is on the 2nd floor and I'm on the 3rd floor... I'm planning on jogging 1 mile to get the rental car agency tmw morning... I'm so glad I've been doing cardio 2-3 times per week for the past 6 months haha... then eating breakfast and driving about 3 hours to hopefully see the eclipse... potential for cloudy conditions, but we are going to do our best 😀 ... nighty nite 😴 

Saturday, April 6, 2024


Another project we've been working on is installing a radiant barrier as our first line of defense against the radiant heat that makes it through the roof. Radiant barriers on average reduce heat gain by 40%, and reduce your heating & cooling bill by around 17%. Once it's installed it is virtually maintenance free for the life of the product... which can be many decades. Maneuvering in an attic is simple, but challenging... unless you are about 5 feet tall or less. Our teenage work crew loved this project, especially since they got to climb around the trusses like a jungle gym for several hours 😀 


One of our projects over the past week was stapling up all the attic baffles to ensure a free flow of ventilation up to the ridge vent so none of the future insulation accidentally blocks the passage of air. We also sistered up (repaired) 5 rafter tails that had some old dry rot. Our pack of teen wolves devoured the task!

Friday, April 5, 2024


Big thanks to my great friend Josh Hofstede ("The Hof") who came down from Brooksville for 2 days to help with the home improvement projects!! He helped us remove old insulation, prep the walls for termite prevention spray, assemble a couple small sheds, and install attic baffles! Josh has been an incredible friend to me & GTD for over 20 years... We've shared many God-awesome adventures together... and last year he hiked 7 miles with a broken foot (in a boot) on our Swamp Thing Backpacking Trip all with a smile on his face! You can't stop this guy! Thank you "The Hof"! You helped us get a lot done and made it even more fun!! The journey is way better when we do life together!