Wednesday, July 31, 2013
18th Annual SLAMMED!!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
A Post From Tara - Harvest Church Mission Trip
“Generacion De Fuego” - A Post By Jennifer
Friday, July 26, 2013
Thoughts From Caleigh Angel and Jessica Rodriguez
Thursday, July 25, 2013
A Note From Tate
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
My Piles
CCSP Adventure Trip Pics Uploaded
TC3 Adventure Trip Pics Uploaded
Thanks Adventure Trip Interns!!
Work Day With Harvest Youth

Monday, July 22, 2013
Please Help Us!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Intern Jessie Morton & I just got onto a Greyhound bus in Atlanta heading to Orlando/Tampa... this is our biggest adventure in 2 weeks!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!
It took 9 hours, but we cleaned & repacked all the camping gear. Next adventure trip is Slammed in 11 days!!
C U Later TC3!!
The youth group from Treasure Coast Community Church departed this morning to return back to FL. We had a great time with a wonderful group of young people!! Yesterday was a fUntastic day full of class 3's, 4's & 5 rapids, the blob, an enormous slip'n slide, and our God-time around the campfire. Loved adventuring with this group!! Have a safe trip back... Pictures coming soon!!
Help Is Needed
Dear Friends....GTD still needs help to finish our missions office in Costa Rica and we can't do it without you. Currently we only have $400 of the $2,000 we need to complete it. We still need windows, doors, lights, paint, locks, door handles, a ceiling fan, electrical, desks and a few other items. Please help to support this project. Every dollar helps, big or small. The office will help us in many ways to better help this community and surrounding areas. It means we have permanency, a place to stay, plan, prepare, meet with people and store all of our supplies. Each year GTD brings multiple missions teams to Costa Rica to help serve in the communities here and along side the church. Help us make an impact, not only in the lives of the Costa Rican people but also in the lives of those who travel here to experience life on the mission field. Over the years many of our participants have found out while serving here that God is calling them into missions too. Help us make a difference. If you'd like to make a donation you can either write a check made out to GTD and send it to: PO Box 7523, Seminole FL 33775 or you can make a donation through PayPal on our website @ (just copy and paste this link into your browser.
Thank you in advance! God Bless!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Rafting the Ocoee River with the youth group from Treasure Coast Community Church... looks like a perfect weather day!!! =)
A Little Rest and A Little Play
Thursday, July 18, 2013
TC3 Adventure Trip Update
The youth group from Treasure Coast Community Church made it to camp yesterday. They set-up camp just before the it started pouring down raining. It made for a great night of sleep. Today is PERFECT!! We are rock climbing & rappelling & looking forward to all God has in store for us this week!!