Happy Memorial Day! We benefit from from the sacrifice of many. There is no "i" in team, but there are 2 "i" 's in sacr"i"f"i"ce! That's because there are always 2 people involved in sacrifice - the one who makes it and the family that supports, endures, and grieves the loss from it. It's also because no body can can force genuine sacrifice; it can only be freely given by those making the sacrifice for the betterment of others. It's a personal decision that only "i" can make. That's why we honor such people, they freely gave up their wants to supply us with our needs. They gave so that we could benefit. Thank you to all the "i" 's out there, especially their families, who made the ultimate sacr"i"f"i"ce so that we could live in the benefits received. God bless you all.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Thursday, May 26, 2016
A Glorious Moment!
It may only last for 1 minute, but my inbox is finally empty!! It took 3 months of diligent work while managing my other responsibilities, but I acted on, replied back to, sorted, filed, and/or purged 3500+ emails that had piled up in my inbox over the past 18 months (and a few of them had been flagged dating back as far as 2012). I know it's not a very exciting post to read, but I can't tell you the joy I'm feeling at accomplishing this task (that actually led to hundreds of other tasks). With so many forms of communication such as facebook posts, fb messenger, tweets, text messages, phone calls, voicemails, face-to-face meetings, and letters... it's understandable that I'm going to fall behind on emails, especially while I'm traveling off the grid so much... it's nearly impossible to stay on top of everything. But now I'm back on top of one of my least favorite forms of communication - emails. And now I have a better system in place to help keep me on top. It's such a liberating feeling to get that monkey off my back! Thank you Jesus! Bring on the next big task!!!
Interview Added to GTD's YouTube Channel
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
We are prepped and ready to go to teach our 2nd online backpacking class to Landry Academy tonight. GTD will be leading up 2 backpacking trips this summer for this incredible school. We love the relationship with Landry & Jen Henriksen that God has blessed us with. Great adventures lie ahead. But as for now, "Lights, camera, ACTION!"
Monday, May 23, 2016
Overnight Backpacking
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Friday, May 20, 2016
First Ever Over Night Backpacking Trip
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Havasu Falls
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
GTD Costa Rica Mission Trip - VBS

Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Are You Ready?
Monday, May 16, 2016
Dinner With Heroes!
Save The Date
Eye Candy - Grand Canyon Trip
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Interview Airs Today
Monday, May 9, 2016
Recorded Bay Focus Interview Today
Laurie and I were honored to be interviewed today at CTN TV (Christian Television Network) as part of a segment on their weekly show called Bay Focus which is hosted by the wonderful Darlene Greenlee. Darlene wanted to highlight some of GTD's upcoming events. We were blessed to receive about 20 minutes of air time to promote several events and aspects of GTD.
As usual, we had so much fun and enjoyed every second of it! Darlene always sets a great & fun tone. And Laurie knocked it out of the park during her interview!!
The show will air this Wednesday morning at 11:30am and Thursday night at 7pm. To watch it on TV in the Tampa Bay area please refer to your cable provider channel guide for WCLF (CTN TV). To watch it online at the times mentioned above click here.
Thank you Darlene & CTN TV!!
Thursday, May 5, 2016
LIQUID Pictures Uploaded
The pictures from all 3 LIQUID canoeing trips have been uploaded to our online photo album... enjoy!! Click here to see them.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
This past Saturday GTD had the privilege of running 3 free canoeing trips for 50 motivated paddlers at Weedon Island Preserve's beautiful kayaking trail in St Petersburg, FL. It was a mangrove canopy of awesomeness!
We had a marvelous time enjoying God's liquid playground! In addition to paddling we had squishee ball wars, canoe races, a water-top devotional, plenty of quality time together, lunch, and a few capsized canoes mixed in for good measure.
It's always an honor to have people take time out of their busy schedules to embark on an adventure with us. And we are very thankful for our staff and volunteers (Laurie Finger, Erin Powell, Jesse Altamarino) who helped make this day achievable. It takes a lot of hard work to provide adventure outings and we are blessed to have a great team of capable & talented people.
Praising God for good times!
Pictures of the event coming very very soon =)