Sunday, February 2, 2025

Yes, 6 more weeks of winter :) .... Happy GHD (Groundhog Day) everyone :)

Originally we were headed to Punxsutawney, PA this weekend to celebrate Groundhog Day. I love the movie and I love the goofiness of such a silly holiday. So 8 months ago I reserved flights, rental car, & accommodations to head off for our first trip to Punxsutawney, PA to join in the frigid festivities, but I wasn't really feeling it after Dad passed so I cancelled the trip. Lord willing, I'm kicking it to 2027 and will celebrate it in person then. But we are enjoying GHD today with a walk at the park, some decorations, yummy food, and of course - the movie. Happy GHD people... a silly "holiday" originally made to break up the monotony of long dark winters back in 1886/87... which serves as a reminder that breaking up monotony & starting new traditions can only be one silly idea away & the will to just do it. Whatever it is, I love GHD :)
UPDATE: According to The Weather Channel news: "Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow Sunday morning in central Pennsylvania. That means we could see six more weeks of winter, at least according to Groundhog Day lore."

Saturday, February 1, 2025

YOU GUYS DID IT AGAIN :) ...$103,670 RAISED :)

I have so many people to still thank... from the bottom of my heart >>> THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH to all of our One-Time & Monthly Donors that made it possible for us to hit & exceed our Annual $100,000 Fundraising Goal for the 6th year in a row. You have launched us into our 29th year of ministry. From a humble & grateful heart, I so so so so appreciate your magnificent generosity & loving support (especially over the past 2 months). All glory to God :) 

Friday, January 31, 2025


With all that's gone on over the past 7 weeks this feels like a major accomplishment... all our end-of-the-year / beginning-of-the-year deadlines completed. Thank you to all of our amazing donors, supporters, volunteers, and staff... couldn't do anything without all of you!! Mom used to help me with this every year... Missing Dad & Remembering BIRDDOG ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Saturday, January 18, 2025



Dad's Celebration of Life Service is this Saturday January 18th at 4pm at Park Place Wesleyan Church in Dad's favorite city >>> Pinellas Park! (4400 70th Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL 33781). There will be an open mic time for anyone who would like to share a 3-ish minute "Jerry Story"... we would LOVE to hear it!! Also, if you want to, you can wear suspenders, patriotic colors, military uniforms, or Alabama themed clothing in honor of Jerry.
The service will also be live-streamed for those unable to attend in-person.

Jerry Garner Celebration of Life Service:
Following the service there will be a time of fellowship on-site with food, refreshments, & snacks.

Thank you to everyone who has helped, encouraged, & prayed for our family ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Dad's Celebration of Life Service is this Saturday January 18th at 4pm at Park Place Wesleyan Church in Dad's favorite city >>> Pinellas Park! (4400 70th Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL 33781). There will be an open mic time for anyone who would like to share a 3-ish minute "Jerry Story"... we would LOVE to hear it!! Also, if you want to, you can wear suspenders, patriotic colors, military uniforms, or Alabama themed clothing in honor of Jerry.
The service will also be live-streamed for those unable to attend in-person.

Jerry Garner Celebration of Life Service:
Following the service there will be a time of fellowship on-site with food, refreshments, & snacks.

Thank you to everyone who has helped, encouraged, & prayed for our family ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Two Antiques And A Young Man!

Growing up one of my dreams was to take my parents on road trips and fun adventures when I got old enough to do that. After getting a good paying job I took them on our first road trip in the mid 1990's. They were "Two Antiques" and I was a "Young Man", and we were looking for adventure so we headed out on the highway... they had never gone white water rafting before, and Mom loved train rides while Dad was up for anything, especially if it included picking tomatoes! We set out for north Georgia, South Carolina, & North Carolina on our own little adventure. They were such good sports! I had a new video camera and they put up with all my goofy ideas for video footage... my Dad seemed to revel in each video appearance hahaha! Check out this 5 minute highlight video from our trip called "Two Antiques And A Young Man Head Out On The Highway", and see Dad's pure joy when he is picking tomatoes LOL!

Sunday, January 12, 2025


The past month has been full of lots & lots of depression and sadness with little (& sometimes big) glimmers of joy each day... but mostly heavy doses of depression. It's hard to get out of bed each morning and I tend to want to go back to bed all day long. As weird as it sounds it feels very healthy to have this amount of grief. It feels like the very definition of what it means to mourn. It's all a part of this journey of grieving. I'm not suppressing anything and talking about everything. Laurie has stayed with me everyday since the initial incident... she sleeps on the sofa every night and we talk and workout every day. I had two & a half days last week with only mild depression so I do see little glimpses of what the future looks like, but I feel like I have a long road of healing ahead of me... not just for the loss of my Dad which is huge, but for the loss of both my parents as well as the toll of intense caregiving over the past 5 years as well as all the little & big regrets I have over the past 5 years plus this awful reality that it's all over... I mean that since I was 12 years old I planned to always be here to take care of my parents so it has always been a part of my identity... now it's all over and it feels very awkward and frankly sad, especially with the moments that were unbearably hard or the moments I failed to have a loving bedside manner... caregiving is a mirror that shows you the best inside of you as well as the most rotten selfish parts of you... and both God & I have seen the absolute ugliest parts of me over the past 5 years even if I was able to hide it from my parents 90% of the time. But that 10% that did reveal itself are part of my grieving process. I plan to seek some professional counseling after we bury my Dad. But right now we have so much to celebrate about this truly extraordinary man who was one of my heroes and whom I loved dearly as well as probably the person who frustrated me the most in my life too LOL. Buuuuuut, way more to love than to be frustrated by 😊😊😊 .... so come out and celebrate the life of our Dad next Saturday if you can!!
JANUARY 18, 2025 (4pm - 6:30pm)
(This service will also be live-streamed)
Park Place Wesleyan Church
4400 70th Ave N
Pinellas Park, FL  33781

Come celebrate the life of our beloved "Tomato Man" at the Celebration of Life Service for Jearld Douglass Garner on Saturday January 18, 2025 at 4pm. (This service will also be live-streamed for those unable to attend in-person). A reception with food & refreshments will follow in the dining hall. A variety of family & friends will speak on stage, and an open mic time will be available for all who would like to share a short 3-4 minute "Jerry Story".

My new mottos inspired by Dad's life of generosity are "DARE TO CARE" & "LIVE TO GIVE"... everywhere he went he cared, cared, cared & gave, gave, gave... he loved to give... he lived to give! It wasn't something he did; it was who he was... it was part of his DNA.
On behalf of our entire family, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the outpouring of love over the past month. Dad is sooooooo loved by so many ❤️ . We deeply miss his presence in our daily lives, yet we find comfort in knowing he is now pain-free, reunited with Mom, and in the presence of God.

Friday, January 10, 2025


Due to recent events as well as the impending need for hernia surgery the following changes were made to the upcoming GTD Public Event Calendar:
I apologize for any inconvenience!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024



We had a really nice day :)

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

MERRY FITmas EVE from the GTD misFITS!!

We got our cardio & weight training workout in this morning in the "garage gym" so we can pig out tomorrow!! We wish you all a very healthy as well as deliciously indulgent CHRISTmas Day (which is just a few hours away)! As Dad would say, "Tastes like 'Moore's Behind!'" Huh??? To which he would say, "Like there's MORE good food coming BEHIND this!" LOL!

Monday, December 23, 2024


As you may recall the Christmas story in Luke chapter 2 starts out with a decree:

"Now in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that a census be taken of all the inhabited earth." Luke 2:1 (NIV)

Just over a week ago we said goodbye to Dad (actually, "See you later alligator!"). After a very emotional week at the hospital with Dad on life support none of us felt like doing anything for Christmas and it looked like Christmas was going to pass us by with nothing more than a time to grieve. I love Christmas and I wanted to savor the entire Christmas season this year and make this a wonderful Christmas for Dad. So back in October I actually started decorating for Christmas as well as set up the Christmas tree. I actually wanted to set the tree up on October 1st and celebrate 4 months of Christmas time, but Hurricanes Helene & Milton had something to say about that. Despite my best efforts all the hurricane prep & clean up along with numerous Dr's appointments seemed to be making my quest for "4 months of Christmas" an impossible feat to pull off. But still I was doing my best to make it happen this year... Outdoor Christmas movies, make your own pizza nights, Birddog Cinema, nightly Hallmark movies with Dad & Laurie, indoor decorations, outdoor decorations, gifts, and making memories during my favorite time of the year... but with the hurricanes and all the rescheduled Dr's appointments because of the hurricanes and the momentum of life it was looking like 4 months would turn into 2 months... then 1 month... then with the loss of Dad we contemplated canceling Christmas this year, and Lord willing hopefully do it up big in 2025. The thought of waiting a year to celebrate Christmas was frankly depressing in itself. But over the past week there has been a Christmas miracle of sorts >>> a resiliency has returned!! Each day I (we) get a little better... a little more healing takes place... and all of a sudden I had a thought: "Let's SALVAGE this year's Christmas!" Let's TAKE BACK Christmas from the jaws of defeat!! Let's modify and adapt and adjust, and let's make the most of Christmas! It's within our God given decision making capacity to CHOOSE LIFE in the midst of death... to CHOOSE CELEBRATION in the midst of grief... to CHOOSE TO EMBRACE THE ULTIMATE BIRTH in the midst of planning a funeral. And so I rise to the occasion to make a new decree in the spirit of the original Christmas decree!
Now on this day a new decree has gone out from the mouth of an ordinary man who serves an extraordinary God. We shall SALVAGE CHRISTMAS! No hurricanes, no obstructions, no interuptions, no crushing deaths, and no "foggy Christmas eve" are going to cancel Christmas this year!! We will celebrate Christmas even while mourning our loss! Furthermore, I decree that because of the difficulties of the past 5 months - especially 3 hurricanes & deaths of loved ones - Christmas shall be extended for 1 week! Everyday from December 25th thru December 31st shall now be called December 25th... Christmas Day will last 168 hours this year (24 hrs x 7 days = 168 hours)... there will be 7 sunrises and 7 sunsets in this 2024 Christmas Day!!

Drop the mic! End of decree! Peace out! Lord willing, see you in 2025!!! We have a lot of Christmas movies to watch & Christmas to celebrate!!!
Laurie & I are prepping to host the first official Christmas at my house with Traci, Dave, & Carson. Crepes in the morning and crab legs in the afternoon with funtivities throughout! This will be mine & Traci's first Christmas without parents, but we know they would be all for this! The joy of Christmas shall overshadow the sorrows of life! Merry Christmas everyone!!!

PS: Dad really loved the decorations in the livingroom!!

Sunday, December 22, 2024


Park Place Wesleyan Church
4400 70th Ave N
Pinellas Park, FL  33781
Come celebrate the life of our beloved "Tomato Man" at the Celebration of Life Service for Jearld Douglass Garner on Saturday January 18, 2025 at 4pm. A reception will follow in the dining hall. More details to come after the holidays. As Dad would say, "See you on the flip flop!"
My new motto inspired by Dad's life of generosity is "LIVE TO GIVE"... everywhere he went he gave, gave, gave... he loved to give... he lived to give! It wasn't something he did; it was who he was... it was part of his DNA.
On behalf of our entire family, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the outpouring of love over the past 2 weeks. Dad is sooooooo loved by so many ❤️ . We deeply miss his presence in our daily lives, yet we find comfort in knowing he is now pain-free, reunited with Mom, and in the presence of God.
We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
(Pictured here is a very young Jerry Garner during his 20 years of military service in the US Air Force... Thank you for your service Dad!!)

Thursday, December 19, 2024


We were looking forward to one more birthday with you Dad, but I guess you really wanted to take that stairway to Heaven and spend this day with Mom. We already miss you, but we are comforted knowing you have no more pain, no more misery, no more inability, AAAAAAAAAND (best of all) you are reunited with Mom. Thank you for all that you did for me!! You are, without a doubt, one of a kind Tomato Man!! Happy 83rd Birthday in Heaven Dad =) 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Thank you for all the love with the loss of Dad!! I'm sorry I haven't been able to read any of the loving words on any of the posts I made since taking Dad to the ER 10 days ago. We had so much going on each day and wanted to spend time with him while we had him. The challenging (almost cruel) aspect of losing a loved one is that the world doesn't slow down... we have to go straight into all of the funeral / Celebration of Life arrangements, notifications of death, Dr appointment cancelations, bills & services cancelations, will, life insurance, last wishes, cancel pension checks & social security, meet with each military department for notification of death. There is so much involved in every aspect, but Team Sis-Bro (that's what my Sister and I call our Caregiving partnership) along with Mom & Dad's adopted third child (Laurie), Carson, & Dave are rocking it!! Monday we met with the different departments at the VA, yesterday we tackled Dad's last wishes & met with the funeral director (and selected Dad's casket... here's a pic... his casket will be in Air Force blue!!), today we meet with the church to plan out his service (sometime in mid January) and later today we meet with an end-of-life attorney to make sure we aren't missing anything. Oh, and tomorrow is Dad's birthday... and in a week is something called Christmas lol. Everyday is an emotional rollercoaster, but who doesn't love rollercoasters (grin)!! We are all doing good overall with moments of great grief. We are comforted knowing that Dad is reunited with Mom and has no more pain or misery... just endless joy in the presence of God. I'm looking forward to reading all the Facebook comments over the next few days. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVE!!!

Monday, December 16, 2024


Our family was asked to attend The Holiday Family Dinner at Seasons Memory Care of Belleair where my Mom was for nearly 5 months when she passed away (2 years ago yesterday). Actually I was asked to MC tonight's event, and even though our Dad passed away yesterday there was no way that we were going to miss this special night after all the love and care Seasons has poured out on our family. The show must go on... that's what Mom & Dad would do (and want)! Soooooo I put on my silver sequin Christmas jacket while Laurie, Traci, & Carson got all dressed up and we had a wonderful night of celebration and fun!! Our dear friend Alan Tripp was there too supplying musical entertainment along with his father. Our Dad was supposed to attend tonight too. He had already written a donation check for $1000 to give to Seasons of Belleair... that guy was the most generous person you've ever met!! It was an honor to present that donation on behalf of Jerry Garner. Being a part of tonight was a tribute to Seasons and our Dad 😊 😊

PS: The food was AMAZING!!!!! Seasons treats everyday and every event as a wonderful gift & celebration!! They love the residents and their families soooo much!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2024



Dad officially departed on The Ultimate Trip at 2:47pm. Laurie said she can picture him showing up to Heaven with roses for Mom. We're pretty sure he has a box of tomatoes too.

The past week has been Dad's final gift to us... his 1 last comeback of being resuscitated and being on life support allowed us to say our final goodbyes and spend so much quality time with so many friends & family (as well as texts & phone calls & messages) that Dad impacted. It was so beautiful. We also talked about and talked through everything related to Dad's care and the last 24 hours leading to his passing away on the way to the hospital. It has been a very healthy and helpful week.
Dad loved EVERYONE!! Thank you to EVERYONE!! You have halved our grief and doubled our joy! Let the dancing & celebrating begin in Heaven!!

Thursday, December 12, 2024


Due to the current circumstances we will be canceling our Outdoor Movie Nites this weekend. Dad bought all kinds of goodies for the kids attending the movies this weekend and had Traci & Laurie make goodie bags... he was going to dress up as Santa Claus and hand them out. Instead he is now preparing for the greatest trip & date nite ever >>> a trip to Heaven to be with Mom 😀

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

UPDATE ON DAD (Dec 11, 2024)

I'm sorry to share that unfortunately there have been no meaningful signs of brain function in our Dad and the prognosis is that Dad would likely be in an ongoing vegetative state on long-term life support which he would never want. He has stated several times over the past few months that he has enjoyed his life and he is living in constant pain, misery, & inability, and he would like to pass away and go be with Mom in Heaven. We are going to honor Dad's wishes by removing his life support on Sunday Dec 15th 2 years to the day that Mom went to be with Jesus.

We will be opening up a bedside hospital visitation of Dad for Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 9a-9p for anyone who would like to visit Dad and say one last goodbye. Dad is unconscious, unresponsive, and on a ventilator so he isn't able to communicate, but his ears probably still work if you want to love on him and say goodbye. 
Dad is in Building 100 (big building next to the parking garage and across from the main large parking lot) on the 2nd Floor in SICU in Room 2 at the C.W. Bill Young VA Medical Center (10000 Bay Pines Blvd, Bay Pines, FL 33744). There is a phone next the SICU doors. Use that phone to dial 14498 and let them know you're here to visit Jerry Garner in Room 2. Traci, Laurie, & I will be here most of the time.

I haven't had a chance to read the comments on my original post about Dad, but I hope to tonight. On behalf of our family, thank you all so so so so very much for the outpouring of love, prayers, support, and kindness!! We are touched very deeply. There has been so much love and healing happening here over the past few days... it's like Dad's one last COMEBACK of coming back to life was for us, and not for him... the past few days have been so beautiful, healthy, and difficult... we are working through everything, talking through everything, praying through everything, healing through everything. So many friends & family have been carrying us through this with their love and prayers!! Aaaaaaaaand the VA >>> WOWWWW, THEY HAVE BEEN BEYOND AMAZING!!! THIS IS HOW A HOSPITAL SHOULD BE RUN!!! THEY CARE SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! THEY DISPLAY SO MUCH LOVE & DIGNITY & RESPECT!!!! Soooooo much respect and appreciation for them and all that they are doing!!!
Like we did with Mom 2 years ago we are going to plan a Celebration of Life Service for Dad for after the holidays probably during the 2nd half of January. We will update everyone once we nail down the date & location.
From the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! ♥️ ❤️ ♥️ 

Monday, December 9, 2024

I have some awful news. My Dad is on life support...

I have some awful news. My Dad is on life support at the VA hospital and it's unlikely he is going to make it. We are here now. We have tried to call as many people as we can, but it's still an active situation and spending time with Dad.
What Happened?
Dad thought he was coming down with a cold Saturday night. All day yesterday he still felt like he was coming down with something, but was doing fine. We watched the Bucs game together. And eventually he decided to go to bed early around 6pm. He started getting the chills with flu like symptoms, but no fever. We increased the heat and doubled up his blankets. Then all of a sudden he started getting worse around 8pm last night and he wanted to go to the hospital. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary of any other time we went to the hospital. But then he asked Laurie to pray for him. She did, and as Laurie and I were wheeling him down the ramp he was unable to lift his legs. As we were helping him into the car he lost all his strength and passed out. We got him into the seat. I sped off. Dad was breathing heavier & heavier and was unconscious leaning on my right shoulder. I kept pushing on him trying to wake him up while rushing to the ER. (Laurie was driving separately). I was yelling, "Dad! Dad! Wake up!!". Somewhere during the 5 mile drive my Dad got very quiet and stopped breathing... he literally passed away leaning against me while I was driving him to the Emergency Room. I pulled up to the VA ER and ran in for help. The ER staff jumped right into action with chest compressions while Dad was still in the passenger seat... they got him on the stretcher and continued. Laurie had called Traci and she raced to the hospital. When Laurie saw them on top of Dad doing chest compressions she lost it. Just a few hours ago we were just hanging out and thinking maybe he was coming down with a cold... now he was not alive... What in the world just happened?!?! The ER doctor was leveling with us that it didn't look like Dad was going to make it. Traci was still on the way devastated as she was driving to the hospital wondering how bad he was, but knowing they were doing CPR. The staff came in to tell update us. We knew it was going to be the worst, but amazingly they were actually able to bring Dad back to life after 15 minutes of life saving measures. The Comeback Kid had 1 more comeback in him! Traci arrived in time for the good news. But our immediate grief that turned to short-lived joy turned back to great sadness when it became evident that his brain went without oxygen for several minutes and wasn't showing any positive signs of brain activity. They asked how come I didn't call 911. My simple honest answer is that I didn't know he was dying. I would have called in a heartbeat like I have before if I thought for a second he was dying. By the time it became dire I was already enroute to the ER... it didn't seem like they could get to me faster than I could get to them at this point. Carson and Dave rushed from his shark charter to be by Dad. Now we are like, "What in the world just happened?!?!?!" Dad was doing the best he has done in years!! We are in shock and I'm kinda of a mess to be honest from the drive to the ER... it was quite possibly the worst experience of my life, Laurie's life, & my Sister's life... but more importantly it was the probable end of my Dad's life. The first time he passed away (in the car) he went peacefully. He is now on a ventilator and all kinds of machines. His heart is working properly, but there are many indicators that he has significant brain damage. We have no idea what exactly happened last night, but it looks like he may have had a rapid onset of pneumonia and he went downhill quickly and it stopped his heart??? We were up all night. Crushed in many ways as you can imagine. But also happy Dad's suffering is almost over, and his reunion with Mom along with his ultimate healing in the presence of Jesus is about to begin. Laurie prayed with my Dad the salvation prayer a few months ago. We are forever indebted to her!! Traci & I have decided to list Dad as a DNR so barring an absolute miracle and supernatural comeback our Dad - The Tomato Man - will be starting a new tomato garden in heaven very very soon.
He knows so many of the medical staff here... they are doing a fantastic job and they love our Dad!! We brought his special Christmas pens and Traci & Laurie are giving them out to the hospital staff.

We tried calling people to inform them, but have run out of time as we spend time in ICU with Dad.
He is at the Bay Pines VA in SICU Floor #2, Room #2 

Friday, December 6, 2024


Wow, we have been going nonstop since the Annual Banquet (and before!)... Our Outdoor Movie Nites at BIRDDOG CINEMA are next week!! Aaaaaaaaand it includes MAKE YOUR OWN PIZZA(S) toooooooo!!!!! Click on the link below for all the details and to RSVP 😃

(Click pics to enlarge and see details for each night)


Thursday, December 5, 2024

$83,059 RAISED SO FAR!!!!!

We've been going nonstop since the Annual Banquet... lots & lots of make-up Dr's appointments for Dad that were rescheduled because of the hurricanes. Anyways, we have wonderful wonderful news >>> OUR AMAZING SUPPORTERS HAVE DONATED & PLEDGED AN ADDITIONAL $20k OVER THE PAST 2 WEEKS TO BRING OUR CURRENT FUNDS RAISED TO $83,059!!!!!!!! PTL!!! Thank You Jesus!!!! ONLY $17k LEFT TO GOOOOO!!!!

If you would like to help us hit our $100,000 goal and/or watch our fundraising progress click on the link below. Thank you so much, and we love you guys!!!!

Donate & Fundraising Tracker:

Thursday, November 28, 2024


HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Traci, Laurie, & Dad made the most amazing Thanksgiving meal!! As you can see Dad has made a miraculous comeback. 4 weeks ago we didn't think Dad had much longer... yesterday he smoked a turkey and Boston Butt, and cooked another turkey in the oven (PTL!)!! It's the best he has felt in 5 years! Aaaaaaaaand Traci continued her annual tradition of getting us all cool Christmas shirts for gifts!! Thanks Sista!!! Happy Turkey Day everyone!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!! Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude and thankfulness for every speaker, every volunteer, every attender, every donor, every table sponsor, every Ministry Partner, and every person & organization involved in last night's GTD Annual Banquet. Approximately 170 people attended last night's event, and we have already received so much great feedback from so many people!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I'm humbled and overjoyed to share that we received $23,198 in donations & pledges last night to add to the $40,326 already received going into the banquet to bring our grand total raised so far to $63,524!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! This is a great great great start to hitting our annual goal of raising $100,000 by January 31st!! We are humbled & pumped at the same time as we stand on the edge of kicking off our 29th year of ministry in 6 weeks!!
If you would like to contribute to the cause and help us meet and exceed our 100k goal simply click on this link and select a way to donate:
To regularly follow our fundraising journey and see how much we've raised every few days click on our Fundraising Tracker link here:
From the bottom of our hearts >>> THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Our MOST IMPORTANT EVENT OF THE YEAR starts in a couple of hours!!

Our MOST IMPORTANT EVENT OF THE YEAR starts in a couple of hours!! Our deep & profound thanks goes out to all of our Table Sponsors & Supporters that helped make this night happen!!! Thank you so much Banquet Sponsors, Ministry Partners, & kind Donors!

Please show them your appreciation through your prayers & patronage 😀

$40,000 raised so far and $60,000 to gooooo!!

Click this link to help support the cause:

Sunday, November 17, 2024

BLOWN AWAY!!! ...$40,000 RAISED SO FAR!!! .....HELP US HIT OUR $100K GOAL!!

Thank You Jesus! Thank you Donors! Glory to God!! We have already been blessed with $40,000 raised with two more days till our Annual Banquet!!! That's a huge head-start!! THANK YOU SO MUCH AMAZING DONORS!!!

If you would like to help us hit our goal of raising $100,000 as we go into our 29th year of ministry you can use one of the options below to donate:

From the bottom of our hearts >>> THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!

<> PayPal and/or with a Debit or Credit Card (Add 3% to cover PayPal & credit card fees):
<> Venmo (@GTDADVENTURES) (Add 3% to cover Venmo fees):
<> Send checks (made out to "GTD") to our mailing address:
GTD / PO Box 7523 / Seminole, FL 33775

<> Sign up to be a monthly Ministry Partner for 2025:

<> Sponsor a Table: (& RSVP):


After possibly hitting his lowest health lows a few weeks ago Dad is on the comeback again! His 1 week hospitalization at the VA did Dad a whole lot of good. Although they couldn't find the cause of his severe headaches they were able to take amazing care of him and administered a nerve blocker so Dad couldn't feel the headache for a few weeks (maybe a couple of months). He was discharged from the hospital in dramatically better condition than when he was admitted. (We love the VA!!!). Dad has said a few times over the past 2 weeks that this is the best he has felt in years! He was even able to walk a few hundred yards without a cane or walker!! Way to gooooo Comeback Kid!! (As the nerve blocker wears off he will probably feel the headaches again... we are getting more tests done to see if we can figure out the cause)

Thursday, November 14, 2024


Each year we have generous Table Sponsors that live out of the area that want to offer their banquet tickets to anyone that wants to come to our Annual Banquet and enjoy a night of celebration along with a delicious Carrabba's dinner. This year we have 25 FREE TICKETS AVAILABLE! Yayyyyy!! Thank you generous supporters!!!
To claim your FREE TICKETS simply click on the GTD Annual Banquet website link below and complete the RSVP form (takes about 1 minute) so we have enough Carrabba's for everyone!! Super simple!
Come join us for a fun night as we celebrate 28 years of ministry as well as prepare for our 29th year!

Dress Code: Semi-formal / Business attire 
Nov 19th, 2024 (Tues Night)
6:30pm - 9:00pm
Pinellas Park Performing Arts Center
4951 78th Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL 33781
Website, More Details, & RSVP:

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


... Double Your Donation to GTD!!
....Turn $10,000 into $20,000!!

Wowwww, the hits just keep on coming!! A $10,000 grant, then a $12,000 mega donation, and now a $10,000 Donor Match Challenge by another supporter that likes to stay anonymous!!!

Thank you so much generous anonymous Donor!!!

So that means our generous anonymous Donor will match all donations & table sponsorships dollar-for-dollar up to a total of $10,000!!! That means that if our supporters combine to donate $10,000 then our anonymous Donor will DOUBLE IT for a total of $20,000!!!

Wowwww!!! PTL!!! Thank You Jesus!!!

Donation methods:
   GTD / PO Box 7523 / Seminole, FL 33775

For more details about our Annual Banquet & ways to donate click here:

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

$12,000 DONATED TO GTD!!!

GTD just received our LARGEST ONE-TIME MONETARY DONATION EVER!!!! The donors want to stay anonymous, but I can tell you that they are 2 of the BEST people you could ever know!!! They are the kindest, most loving, most generous, most fun people you could ever know, and we are so blessed to have them on the GTD Team!!! Thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so much x 12,000 awesome friends of GTD!!!!
WOWWWW, OUR MINDS ARE BLOWN!!! Thank you awesome Donors, and thank You Jesus!!! You are launching us into our 29th year of ministry!!!! WOW!!!!!


Check out our new GTD T-shirt design for this year's supporters and Ministry Partners! Huge THANKS to Jason Lazzaro for coming up with this design on extremely short notice!! LAZ has designed many of our shirts over the past 10 years... and I recently asked him if he could design something in a few hours so we can promote it in at our banquet... I specifically asked for our name on the shirt with a catch phrase underneath... so he worked his magic and designed this shirt with a topographical hiking map in the background with our name & logo in the foreground with the phrase: "Fueled by Faith. Driven by Adventure."... I immediately loved it and I hope you guys do too!! Thank you LAZ for all you do to bless this ministry!! Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people are wearing GTD shirts that you designed which promotes our ministry and represents our Savior. Thank you so so so much dear friend!!
If you're in need of an AMAZING graphic & brand designer that creates BOLD, BRIGHT, PERSONALITY-PACKED BRANDS designed to blow away your customers and your competition then LAZ is your man!! Check out his impressive website here:
Thank you soooooo much Jason!!!

Monday, November 11, 2024


Let the FUNdraising begin!! We are blown away AGAIN by a generous local Pinellas Park organization that has given GTD a grant for $10,000!!! What a way to kick off our fundraising sprint to 100k!!!!! Wowwww!!! Blown! Away! Thank you AMAZING ANONYMOUS ORGANIZATION!!!! You are launching us into our 29th year of ministry!!! We praise God for you, and deeply respect and greatly appreciate all you do in & for the local area of Pinellas Park!!! I'm so happy GTD is based in the wonderful community of Pinellas Park 😃 😃 😃