Friday, June 15, 2012
So Quiet, So Tired!
The team of interns and myself slept in today to find a few of the women from the church already in the process of cleaning rooms and doing laundry for us today when we woke up! There were clothes and sheets everywhere. We were thankful it didn't rain and ruin them all from drying. We had a late brunch with an interesting was a little feast of grilled cheese sandwiches, french toast, guacamole, hotdogs, chips, pineapple and grapes! And it all tasted so good! Afterwards the crew tackled the rooms. They swept, mopped, cleaned toilets and sinks and helped me to organize a bunch of stuff left behind form the Harvest team. During this time is when I met with the Pastor and his wife to discuss details to upcoming events. Tonight Doug arrived safely back in Fortuna with a surprise visitor, Jim Butski, a long time friend and one of the original Mission Directors here in Costa Rica. He will be joining us for the next 5 days and we are really happy he is here. We had dinner tonight again at Yoko Thermal Springs), but we didn't swim. Luis and Marita (our friends and former bus driver) joined us for dinner. It was a great time of laughter, good food and great company. Now with our belly's full it's time for bed. Don't forget for those of you who know her, today is Madi Strickland's Birthday, Happy Birthday Madi!