Feliz Dia del Padre!
Today the team woke to a Sunday service dedicated to honoring and praying over the men of the church here in Fortuna! It was a beautiful service and a very inspiring message. Pastor Danillo preached about what is like to care for a family compared to caring for a single person. And with that he tied it into church planting. The church here recently helped to plant a new church in a neighboring town called San Bernardo and he was encouraging his congregation to see it as a child and that their church was the parent who would need to sacrifice as a parent would and give of themselves, their time, resources and money to help it grown. After his message the Father's of the church were invited to the front to be prayed over. It was a very moving time for everyone. Tears were streaming down many faces, prayers were being lifted up, songs of praise were being sung and God's presence could be felt all around. Students from the FPCDC joined the men, loved on them and and prayed for them. The men were very moved and appreciated for their willingness to be used by God.
Senior Cruz (local) With His Son and Wife.
The Morning Worship Service
After church service the team was geared up and ready to show a movie to the Father's of the church when we discovered the audio cables were broken. Shortly after the Pastor called the movie off and all the Father's went home! However, we had a van full of men from the Guayabo Men's Rehab center where on their way to the church for a movie. So, in a matter of 20 minutes the team pulled together and got ready to entertain these mens with skits, song and testimonies they had prepare before arriving in Costa Rica!
Nikki and Tiffany
The Team Singing Praise and Worship for the Men of
the Rehab Center
The team presenting the gospel through an evangecube.
The Men Shared Their Testimonies
Several Students Shared Their Testamonies and Left the
Men with Encouraging Words.
At the end of it call came lots of rain and a great game of soccer with the men from the cetner.