Tuesday, November 2, 2021



THANK YOU PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE for being our 4th and 5th Table Sponsor for GTD's ANNUAL BANQUET!!!!

This is the 17TH YEAR PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE of Pinellas Park has sponsored 2 tables for GTD's Annual Fundraiser Banquet.   

Thank you People Helping People for the work that you do and for your continued support of the ministry.  We are deeply touched by your sponsorship.  

Thank you for all you do for our community.


People Helping People is a non-profit organization with goals aimed at helping low-income, elderly, or disabled Pinellas Park homeowners improve their property when in need.

People Helping People

"Ordinary People Working Together To Accomplish Extraordinary Things!"


If you'd like to become a virtual sponsor for GTD's Annual Fundraiser Banquet  please go to: https://gtdbullhorn.blogspot.com/p/annual-banquet-tonne-playhouse.html