We have returned to Florida and we have so many good things to report. We spent the past 2 weeks off the grid back in Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina, and I'm overjoyed to report that we completed our 3rd PERFECT event in a row!!! This time it was with a group of families. The trip for families was organized by two friends (Dan & Ron) for 52 people. We called the event D.A.R.E. (Dan And Ron's Excellent) Adventure for Families. It was flawless (praise God)! The kids LOVED IT! The parents LOVED IT! Our staff & volunteers LOVED IT! In fact, everyone is already planning for D.A.R.E. 2022!! I look forward to sharing all the highlights from this event with you in the days ahead and the cool ways God blessed us all. Thank you to everyone who makes this ministry possible! We have so much to celebrate!
Going The Distance Adventure Ministry
Celebrating 25 years of God-awesome events!