Wednesday, July 21, 2021
We are finishing up our 7th month of 24/7 Caregiving with our parents. I was able to run 4 weeks of extraordinary GTD events (glory to God!) in June in NC. Now I'm back in FL and living at my parents' house for at least the month of July so that I can help them with their needs. I've got a fulltime house and dog sitter staying at my house while I'm at my folks so don't even think about trying to steal my Christmas wrapping paper wallpaper! I'm weeks & months behind on things like thank you notes, phone calls, emails, text messages, Facebook Messenger, mail, mailouts, office work, work projects, social media updates, etc, etc. I'm fortunate if I can get 1 personal/work task done each day. This isn't a complaint... just an update about my current limitations. Last week we started phasing in a day each week away from my parents' house to take care of personal/work responsibilities. I hope to slowly get caught up over the next few months. My sincerest apologies to those I haven't been able to respond back to yet... or personally thank... I have so many people to thank for so many things and I'm especially looking forward to expressing my appreciation, love, and gratefulness =)