Tuesday, February 10, 2015
DAY 37 (52 Days)
ATP = ANSWER TO PRAYER! In the body, ATP is "the chemical substance that serves as the currency of energy in a cell". But in the Body of Christ, ATP is the "Answer To Prayer" that serves as the currency of energy in ministry. During our 52 Days campaign we have been experiencing a lot of ATPs (answers to prayers), but none more profound than a growing and emerging army of GTD volunteers. In Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Jesus didn't say to go rely on a marketing campaign for more laborers or go place your dependency upon recruiting more volunteers. He said to pray earnestly to the Lord. Praying is the best solution for increasing the amount of co-laborers in ministry. We have been asking God for a whole new generation of GTDers who partner with us to accomplish the mission. And God has been faithfully adding superb high-quality volunteers over the past 5 weeks and they are already making a great impact! And today we were honored to have Kim Leonard join Team GTD and add her expertise and years of experience to assist us in our Administration Program. We are thrilled that God has blessed us with these great new additions!! And we look forward to the impact God is going to make through them. It's an exciting time to be a part of GTD!