GTD has been so blessed to have some of the best volunteers we could have ever imagined. The volume of volunteers ebbs and flows every few years, but the quality of volunteers always stays high. Over the past 2 years we've been blessed to have a phenomenal family step up to take all kinds of volunteer initiative and immensely lighten our load while at the same time blessing us and our participants with their fun-loving attitudes and Christ-like love for others. Earlier this summer they asked me what trip I needed the most help on (I love that question, by the way!). I had one Adventure Trip in June (in NC) with an awesome group called SOUL Adventures that I didn't have any available Staff or Volunteers. Well the Heberts solved that in about 1 day. They rearranged their schedules and moved things around. And just like that we went from 0 volunteers to 6! Not only were they bringing the whole family to help, but they were also bringing a family friend - Wyatt. They loaded up their SUV and drove 650 miles to serve God, serve GTD, and serve SOUL. Aaaaaaaaand wow, did they ever do a great job!! They blessed me personally beyond words, and SOUL absolutely loved them!! We have a saying in GTD for Staff & Volunteers, "You can add to the ministry, but you are not allowed to take away from the ministry." In other words, you can bring any of your talents, giftedness, & special abilities and add to what we already have in place and make it better. But you aren't allowed to bring any drama, or personal issues, or "liabilities" into one of our events and take away from the group's experience. And (once again) wow, did they ever take what we had and make it better!! They poured their hearts and sweat glands into every minute of that trip and we all walked away more blessed by having them there! Thank you Wyatt and Team Hebert for being a HUGE PART of GTD and not only going the distance, but going the extra mile (literally 1300+ round-trip miles on that event alone!) and making this ministry even better!! We are so blessed to have you on Team GTD!