Sunday, March 18, 2018


We are asking for your fervent prayers. Our dear friend and former GTD Costa Rica Missions Director, Jim Butski, had a stroke last night. We are shocked. Jim was just here in Dec and stayed with me for 3 weeks while visiting friends and was in good health. Jim is only 46. He is in the Neurological ICU at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI. Jim loves Jesus, outdoor adventure, and serving others. He knew the signs of a stroke and had a friend call 911 immediately. He was able to get to a hospital quickly and receive meds designed for stroke victims. The meds worked at first, but Jim may have had a 2nd stroke a little while later. The stroke has caused paralysis on his left side. I was able to speak with him & pray with him this morning. We are praying for his healing and full restoration of his body. Thank you prayer warriors!
