We have been getting caught up with mailing out & delivering Ministry Partner Gift Packages to our AWESOME SUPPORTERS from the past 5 years (& beyond). If you have EVER donated to GTD a $100 or more then you qualify for some free GTD swag!! If you did not receive your GTD shirt(s), knit cap(s), etc at our last banquet (or have not received anything in the mail - recently or EVER) and would like some GTD merchandise then let us know because we want to get our slick & comfy shirt(s), knit, cap(s), etc out to you asap!! Jan has been working diligently to follow-up with everyone, but please let us know if you haven't received your swag yet... or if want some more!!
GTD office phone: 727-394-9483
GTD email: info@goingthedistance.org
Or comment below 😀