Monday, November 27, 2023


We had a great time kicking off our winter Movie Nites this past Saturday night at the Grand Opening of BIRDDOG CINEMA located within Shantytown Estates (aka, my backyard)! 30 fun-loving people showed up (and helped out) and enjoyed some games, fires & s'mores, the meatiest spaghetti ever made, and the hilarious animated movie - Hoodwinked!!

Many thanks to my awesome Sister Traci and our thoughtful Dad (The Tomato Man) for all their help leading up to Movie Nite! And huge thanks to the actual guests who showed up, rolled up their sleeves, and helped us finish setting everything up & preparing the food! And a very special thanks to one of our anonymous Ministry Partners who surprised us by sending us an outdoor propane fireplace to enjoy as cooler temperatures set in... it's the perfect gift that warms the hands, heart, & soul!!

I did a terrible job taking pictures, and missed most of the play time and several attendees... hopefully I'll improve at our next Movie Nite!

Did someone say, "Next Movie Nite!"?!?!... our next Outdoor Movie Nite is this Saturday Dec 2nd (2023)... as we kick off our Christmas movie mania with "Home Alone 1"!!!

- "Doors" open at 4.30p
- Dinner (pizzadillas) at 6pm-ish
- Movie (Home Alone 1) at 7pm-ish

These are family friendly events so we will have games & edited movies that are kid friendly.

Comment below, or text me, FB Messenger me, or Instagram Message me to RSVP to reserve your spot and so we have plenty of pizzadillas ingredients ready to gooooo!!

We hope to see you at one of our upcoming GTD MOVIE NITES at BIRDDOG CINEMA 😀