We (Kristi Glisson, Doug Garner, and Me) set off from sunny and rainy pinellas county after a good GTD packing party. Before we set off doug had warned us about possibllle bumps in the journy ahead. So after about an hour of cruising up I-75 toward our destination in the mountians of tennesse. Bump... flat tire. I awake from my short lived nap to doug saying well I told you guys be prepared for stuff like this to happen. So it was time to have an adventure. One of the tires were losing all it tread we only had munites to pull over before we lost the tire completely. So in record timing we were able to change the tire with the spares that doug keeps in the trailer. The other menbers from our group shortly meet up with us to help and we are now back on our way to the great appilations mountains. I am so excited to see what else God has in store for the rest of the road trip and the next 2 weeks to come.
Many love to all pray for us and for God to do great things
-Josh "Ace" Accetturo