Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's All "Dung" Compared To Knowing Jesus

"I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord" - Phil 3:8

That's an amazing thing to wake up to everyday! That's why Christian NFL players say that winning the SuperBowl was incredible, but it doesn't compare to knowing Jesus! The word "loss" in this verse is actually the same word for dung & rubbish... everything seems like poop compared to knowing Jesus. That's why Christians are always posting verses and talking about God. We want everyone to know what is within a prayers reach away. We don't make any money or get any kickbacks from someone coming to know Jesus. Sure the Bible talks about an eternal reward for helping people come to faith in Jesus, but I don't know anyone who factors that in as a motive for sharing the Good News. We share these things not because we have to our because of a future reward... we share them because, quite frankly, we can't hold it in. Jesus has so radically & profoundly changed our lives we are compelled to share it. It would be like winning a new house. You couldn't hold that in. You couldn't keep from wanting to share the excitement. You just want to tell everyone because the joy just oozes out of you. So, like the Apostle Paul wrote in the verse above, I have to wholeheartedly agree... nothing compares to knowing Jesus. Christ is that good!!
