In case you haven't noticed we have a lot of projects going on over here at GTD Central Command. This week the young guns and I are getting sh(r)edded assembling sheds, building shed platforms, and leveling the ground for proper shed placement. Thankfully with all the shedding going on we haven't shed any blood! Today we placed 8 sheds (four 3'x5' slimline metal sheds and four plastic "half" sheds) behind the storage container. The big challenge over here is that I've got a ton of GTD adventure gear, my own stuff, my Dad's stuff, and a couple of friends' stuff with no room to renovate... in other words, I can't progress on all the office and home renovations until I've got a place to put all the stuff that's in the way... so our medium term solution is 8 storage sheds that can be concealed behind the GTD 40' shipping container to hold whatever we can. These kids are so fun and great to work with! Each week we are making solid progress, and having fun while we do it!