Wednesday, December 6, 2023


This is such a big deal to me... we are finally following through with getting our "Thank You Gifts" mailed out & hand delivered to our amazing Ministry Partners!! In some cases, we are 5 years behind on getting these gifts delivered! It has been such a bummer to fall so far behind, but I praise God we are in the midst of getting back on top of so many things, especially the gifts for our supporters!! Soooooo Jan, our awesome admin person, has mailed out about 18 packages for our out-of-town supporters, and will be dropping off even more to our local supporters. We have over 100 gift packages to go out so we are doing it in waves over the next 2 months. If you are one of our phenomenal GTD supporters (anytime during the past 27+ years) and you never received any of our GTD gifts (things like GTD shirts, knit hats, coffee mugs, water bottles, etc) then contact me (text, call, comment, etc) so I can make sure you get what you deserve! As always, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your love, prayers, encouragement, & support!!! We are so blessed to have you on our team!