OH MY GOODNESS!! The Men's Ministry (plus 1 awesome woman) from Calvary Church Seminole Campus was PHENOMENAL!!! Teamed up last Saturday with these incredible people, IN ONLY 4 HOURS mind you, we insulated one full side of our 40 ft storage container, insulated the entire top, added framework (still has to be plumbed, level, & squared) for more insulation & future siding, built a mini shed, pressure washed most of the vinyl fencing to be installed, & dried out 2 tents!! They were like professional construction workers!! Plus we had breakfast, devos, lunch, and I made about 10 new friends!! I love the Body of Christ! I love the church! It was a great day of progress in 110 degree "feels like" heat!! Thank you soooooo much Chris, Stacy, & Collin Yates for making this volunteer work day happen!! And thank you Men's Ministry of CCS for surrendering your day to bless GTD!! God bless you new friends!!!