Friday, July 1, 2022

TODAY kicks off our first mission trip back to Costa Rica in 5 years!

TODAY kicks off our first mission trip back to Costa Rica in 5 years! GTD is hosting the young adults of ZEAL School of Ministry (ZSOM) from Calvary Chapel Fellowship of St Petersburg for 15 days of outreaches, community service, building projects, evangelism, church interactions, and even a little bit of adventure! Laurie, Jen, & Stacy are running the first half of the trip and I'll switch out with Laurie & Jen next week to run the second half of the trip along with Stacy. Keep this amazing team in your prayers! In fact, they are arriving in Costa Rica in about an hour - just in time for Tropical Storm Bonnie!! Sounds like a regular GTD to me ;) 
The red "X" on the picture is the location of our mission base.