As GTD celebrates 25 years of ministry we pause to reflect & honor some of the consequential moments that served to either launch, propel, or sustain this ministry. We have so many people to thank, and one amazing God to praise!
30 years ago I spent 17 days by myself camping at Camel Lake in Apalachicola National Forest seeking God for my life mission & vision. This drawing is the culmination of those 17 days. It's what God put on my heart and mind... or more accurately, what He allowed me to discover that He had already planted in my soul, but I needed to be undistracted and intentional in order to find it.
From those days in November 1991 forward I have poured every ounce of my blood, sweat, tears, prayers, time, resources, and very soul into building this ministry.
It's nowhere near the full vision I have for it or the potential it could be, but it has also been way more impactful in other ways than I could have ever anticipated. All glory to God!
A very funny thing about this drawing is that I misspelled the word "Discipleship". It serves to remind me that God usually calls us before He equips us... then the faith journey begins =)
I have so many people to thank for this moment in time... my favorite author Tim Hansel whose words inspired my actions and whose adventure ministry in California was where I originally planned to drive to after my 2 weeks were completed at Camel Lake... my Mom, Dad, Sister, Cousins, Aunts & Uncles for always supporting me... my young adult pastor & his wife Tom & Linda Elkins for believing in me and giving me leadership opportunities as well as preaching some of the best Bible based messages and building an incredible young adult ministry that blessed me with the best lifelong friendships I could ever imagine... my closest friends during this time Chuck, Jano, Danny, Bryan, Thomas, Ebby, $teve, Darren, Cindy, Wilkinson, Mecko, Carney, Wendy, Roger, Debbie and a host of friends from the young adult ministry too long to list... and others that my little pea brain can't think of in this moment... THANK YOU SO MUCH to these people & more who poured into my life knowingly and unknowingly during this time. You blessed me more than you may ever know till Heaven.
The year was 1991 and I had recently turned 21 years old.