Friday, February 26, 2021



Our small army of amazing donors recently helped us raise over $105k!! It is a new GTD record and has put us in a healthy position to replace aging camp gear.
As you may remember, earlier this month we were able to purchase 30 new tents to replace our old leaky tents!! I'm just as thrilled to share with you that we scored a good deal on 30 new cots @ $30 per cot and 30 new fitted sheets @ $6.65 per sheet. For a grand total of around $1100 we just improved the quality of camp life exponentially for our campers! 
We learned a long time ago that a good night's sleep is crucial to be able to participate in a full day of physically demanding adventures as well as to prevent sleep deprivation for the bus & van drivers. Getting them up off the ground and onto a cot helps immensely and it helps keep the tent organized since each camper can store their personal items under the cot. Add an inflatable pad, a camp pillow, a good sleeping bag, & a full day of activities and it's off to lala land for a great night of slumber!
We usually get about 7 years out of our cots so we are looking at a cost breakdown on average of about $160 per year for 30 new cots & sheets. This is a great camp experience investment into our participants! We don't want our participants to just barely survive their camp experience and never come back. We say no to "one and done"! We want our participants to be eager to want to come back and do another GTD adventure!! The better the experience then the better likelihood that they will return!
Our special thanks to everyone who donated to GTD over the past few months!! Your funds are making a difference! God bless you wonderful donors!!