For devotions Jessica lead us in Psalms 16. Today was a full day of work and getting use to the humid climate. The team did an outstanding job! We built the foundation for some walls, cleaned the shower for grout tomorrow, and started the building of the shower drains in the new bunk house.
The weather has been kind of dry for the rainy season and so the mangos on the church property are not dropping off the trees like the always do and bugs are getting in them before they ripen. This makes me sad cause I love mangos but it's ok because the store down the street has the best ice-cream.
The mission team is bonding and creating their own identity. God works on all our hearts and changes us while we are here. The mission team changes too. I am so excited to see how God changes the team into His team. I am so excited to see the transformation. God is working here in Costa Rica and I am glad God called me to be part of His master plan.