Monday, December 14, 2020

One of my favorite verses!

God created us to live joyfully in the present tense. The enemy will always try to ruin your today by an overemphasis on current struggles or with resentment & bitterness from the past or worries about the future.
But God has a remedy for all of it! The shield of faith extinguishes EVERY flaming arrow from the enemy (Eph 6).
Gratefulness and Godly perspective (an act of faith) conquers the current struggles of the moment.
Love and forgiveness (an act of faith) conquers the resentment & bitterness of the past.
And confidence in who God is and His unlimited power (an act of faith) conquers the worries about the future.
In a nutshell, God's got our past, present, and future all taken care of IF we embrace His will for our life, yield to Jesus's Lordship in our lives, and lean into the Holy Spirit's moment by moment guidance for each decision we make. 
It's a great way to live! 
Rejoicing every day! 
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah'ing all day long! 
Singing "Jimmy Crack Corn And I Don't Care" to the temptation to worry about things in the future. 
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." - Psalms 118:24
# 9,758,239 things I love about following Jesus =) 
