Friday, September 8, 2017


The GTD office is on the 2nd floor above a great classic car repair shop & wakeboard boat dealership. Our landlords are the absolute BEST people!! They've been trying to get a roofer to come out to do a few minor roof repairs for a few weeks, but their roofer hasn't been able to make it over. So last night I was able to do about 5 hours of temporary roof repairs in preparation for Hurricane Irma. While I was up there I found a couple of old satellite dishes from the previous owner that I was able to use as a shovel to remove a pile of old acorns. As soon as I finished it started raining. So far so good... the temporary patch jobs are working =).

We've been hurricane prepping for 3 days and making great progress. We are ready to evacuate the area if we need to, but being very proactive with our preparations and planning while we watch the track of Irma. We are in a higher elevation zone with a huge high school (designated hurricane shelter) located less than 1/2 mile away. Taking it serious and having fun at the same time... It's how I roll ;). Continuing to pray for those already impacted by this powerful storm.

Prepare - Watch - Wait - React - Repeat