Monday, May 8, 2017
It is with great joy and hearts full of love that Laurie and I officially announce our engagement to be married!!
Our journey has been long, but not wasteful. Good investments can yield great returns over time. So it is with long term relationships that deepen, mature, and grow over the course of time. Mushrooms grow up overnight, but strong oak trees take hundreds of years to mature. Often, quality takes time. Laurie and I desire quality and we are striving for excellence. We are opposites in many ways, but we have built a strong Christ-centered foundation over the past decade, and we are blessed to have great communication. We are excited about what lies ahead and the future that God has for us as husband and wife. We want a marriage that pleases God, serves others, and relishes in mutual respect, love, joy, and happiness. We desire for our light to shine brighter together for God's glory more than it ever did as individuals.
We want to thank our family and friends for your support and encouragement over the past decade! (I know I've worn most of you out through the years with this long process!!)
Our wedding is scheduled for August 26, 2017 (3 1/2 months away) in upstate NY, and a reception is being planned for late October in Seminole, FL. ... Details forthcoming.
To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. - Winston Churchill
Perfection is attained by slow degrees; it requires the hand of time. - Voltaire
Slow and steady wins the race. - Robert Lloyd
The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit. - Moliere
All great things must have time to grow. A mushroom can be grown overnight but an oak tree takes half a thousand years. But the mushroom perishes with the passing hours while the oak fashioned into the skeleton of a great ship will dare the storms of any sea. It takes time to build... and the beginnings must be small. There must be the steady development time to send down roots... the proper launching of a ship intended for a long voyage. - T. DeWitt Talmage: His Life and Work