Monday, February 29, 2016
MorningStar Men of Character
I can't even begin to describe what a great time we had on our Men's Retreat with Pastor Tony Byrd and the men of MorningStar Church of Tampa. The quality & level of character displayed by these men would have blessed anyone's life that had the opportunity to be around them like I did for 36 straight hours. Real men that are striving to be better husbands, better dads, and better followers of Christ. Real men that cared about their fellow brothers in Christ. Real men that were transparent and shared their successes and failures as well as their love for Jesus. It was a GREAT weekend full of fun, adventure, campfires, challenges, worship, and God's Word. We didn't get drunk. We didn't get wasted. We didn't bring in strippers. We didn't curse. We didn't tell profane jokes. We didn't put each other down. And because of that, WE DIDN'T MISS OUT on a God-awesome time that left no regrets. Men left sharpened and uplifted and ready to return back to a dark and profane world as a light and salt of what's possible when you surrender your life to Jesus. I loved every minute of it! I'm truly honored to know these men!