Thursday, March 5, 2015

DAY 60 (52 Days)

OVER HALF WAY THERE! HELP US KEEP MOVING THE THERMOMETER UP!!! To add to the great lyrics of Bon Jovi's 1986 hit, "Woah, we're (OVER) half way there, Woah, livin' on a prayer." We truly are living on a prayer and thanking God for His provisions as we trek closer to our $250,000 funding goal. We have seen the needle go up (& down) over the past 6 weeks since we last posted an update. Thankfully it settled on a 10% increase as of the end of February. That brings our current total projections to 55% of our total goal! Praise God!! We will try to update the thermometer at the end of each month.

Reminder: THIS IS A VOLATILE THERMOMETER which means it can go up or down based on projections over the remainder of this year. Things that can make it go up are new Ministry Partners, fundraisers, unexpected donations, adding more private trips to the calendar, exceeding anticipated amounts of participants on events, renting out gear, and product line sells. Things that can make the thermometer go down are cancelled events and lack of follow-through of monthly pledges.

As stated before, we are humbled and thrilled by God's mighty hand of support, and we are elated by the generosity of our donors. This has already been an amazing 3½ months of rebuilding the walls of GTD. We are excited, but we are not relaxing. We are pressing on towards the goal that will put GTD in position to effectively minister to the next generation for the next 20 years.

The $250,000 amount represents the sum total needed to:
<>  Cover all 2015 operating expenses
<>  Pay off remaining debt from first 18 years
<>  Repair & improve aging equipment
<>  Acquire necessary new equipment & gear
<>  Organize & archive 20 years of data, pictures, etc
<>  Launch new events, ministries, and endeavors
<>  Strengthen & fortify our current vibrant programs, events, & ministries
<>  New marketing campaign (brochures, ads, proactively promote GTD)
<>  Office renovations and administrative infrastructure improvements
<>  Begin "famine" savings account for future recessions & troubled times
<>  Hire on needed part-time assistants & co-laborers

14 Month Timeline:
Nov 18, 2014 - Jan 4, 2015: Assess "The Walls"; Communicate the needs
Jan 5 - Feb 25, 2015: "52 Days" Objective ("All-Hands-On-Deck")
Feb 26 - Nov 16, 2015: Transformation of a ministry; Run regular events
Nov 17, 2015: Annual Banquet ("The Mother of All Banquets")
Nov 18, 2015 - Jan 18, 2016: Reintroduce "The New GTD"!!

This is an exciting time to be a part of GTD!
