Huge THANK YOU's to everyone who attended, supported, volunteered for, spoke at, prayed for, and donated towards our Annual Banquet last night!!!! The fact that anyone would take time out of their day or money out of their pocket to support us and our ministry humbles us, encourages us, and profoundly touches us. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!!!
The banquet venue was delightful. The food catered by Carrabba's was incredible. The testimonies shared were compelling and impacting. The volunteers were a literal answer to prayer. The supporters were beautiful.
We were up till 4am this morning unpacking, eating late dinners, and sorting through the pledge cards & donations. We will release the preliminary fundraising results this afternoon.
There is still time to make a donation and/or monthly pledge towards our final results! Click here to contribute to the cause.
Thank you so much for supporting this ministry!! We love you!!