Training for our Grand Canyon Trip in 4 weeks. Although I hike a lot during our summer adventures, I haven't run in over a year. I just ran a 5k at Lake Seminole Park and I feel great! Lungs, legs, body feel strong. I turn 44 in a few weeks, but I still feel 24 (praise the Lord!). And I'm actually getting a little wiser... I hate stretching, but I did some great stretches for 20 minutes before I ran and I could immediately feel the benefits. And the running shoes I recently purchased are the most comfortable & lightweight shoes I've ever had. Love them already! Going to read a chapter from God's love letter to mankind (the Bible) & have a prayer walk. Have an excellent day! And remember this truth, God is head over heels in love with you! - DUG <><
Laurie's training started yesterday: Training day for the Grand Canyon Rim 2 Rim Hike! 8.5 mile walk, 1.4 mile run and 6 miles rollerblading done! Whew! - Laurie =)