Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Friendship Factor

As part of our weekly Staff Meeting we are going through a book called, "The Friendship Factor". I've always seen friendships as my calling in ministry. While some may think of GTD as an activity ministry, I've always seen it as a friendship ministry full of people who share Christ centered adventures together. God created us for relationships and community. One of the greatest honors in life is to have trusted friends that don't allow you to feel comfortable in apathy and compromise, but rather spur you on towards closeness to God. Friendships are vitally important! The reality is that true ministry is centered around relationships. In fact, at the heart of our relationship with God is friendship. In my favorite verse in the Bible (John 15:15) Jesus said, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends..." Wow, that blows me away! We have the opportunity to be considered a friend of the living God! Friendship is a priority to God which automatically means it should be a priority to us. One of the challenges we face in running a mobile adventure ministry is that it constantly takes us away from home and family and friends and turns prolonged physical distance into relational distance. As the years go by our close friendships naturally become less & less close. Because of this we are taking time to focus on "The Friendship Factor" and emphasize the importance of close friendships. We are striving to rekindle friendships that were once vibrant and flourishing, but have now grown distant as well as investing in new friendships that God has placed before us. In both instances, we are looking forward to what God has in store. Have a great day FRIENDS!!