Friday, March 20, 2015

DAY 75 (52 Days)

ORGANIZATION & BALANCE! Laurie has been working on organizing hundreds of GTD tasks. She has been entering them into our Google Drive account so that our staff & volunteers can have access to them (and hopefully adopt some of them!) from anywhere in the world. About 85-90% of the work of the ministry falls on my shoulders and this is one of the ways we are trying to share the load. Nearly 20 years of 12, 14, 16, and 18 hour work days 6-7 days per week is more than enough. Actually it's way too much. It isn't sustainable and that's why we are striving so hard this year to get to a healthy place in running this organization. Many hands make for light work and God has been blessing GTD with some great faithful volunteers, partners, and staffers in ministry. We still have 9 months until we turn 20 years old and we are pushing hard to have everything in order to go into the next 20 years in GREAT shape.

Speaking of great shape and balance, I'm working at getting back to a strong level of fitness. My nutrition has been pretty poor for the past 5 or 6 months. I'm happy to say I started back working out 2 weeks ago. Tonight Laurie and I went grocery shopping. She already eats healthy regularly. I'm getting back on that wagon. Soon I hope to also add a few more hours on to my 4 hours of sleep each night. We only have 1 body to use for our entire lives and I had better get back to taking care of this one if I want to be of any use for the next 20 years of ministry.

We are striving after some significant changes. Hopefully you will notice many great improvements as we journey on through 2015. It's an exciting time to be a part of GTD!