Over the weekend Carson & I were able to put a few hours into building some temporary A-frame kayak racks. We're about half done.
A couple of years ago we started transitioning from canoes to kayaks (which is the preferred way to paddle by most of our participants). We've scored a lot of great deals on pre-owned kayaks through apps like Offer-Up & Facebook Marketplace over the past 2 years.
Currently we have about 27 kayaks... approximately 10-ish touring kayaks & 17-ish recreational kayaks. They've been a big hit with our groups!
Ultimately the kayaks will be stored on a couple of kayak trailers that we hope to refurbish this spring (Lord willing).
Our immense gratitude goes out to all of our generous supporters that God has used to enable GTD to acquire all of these vessels!! Thank you so much!! They've been a priceless addition to this ministry!