Thursday, August 8, 2013

Anonymous Donation Helps To Feed Famlies

It's so amazing when God moves the hearts of people to take action!  This past year in a random encounter I had the opportunity to share with someone the experience we had with a very poor community here in Costa Rica last summer.  After hearing about how these people lived in very impoverished conditions and how we brought them food this person ended up handing me a check by the end of our conversation and asked me to use the money to help families in that community.  Thanks to a generous donation and willingness to act we were able to bring food to 5 different families that included rice, beans, pasta, sauce, milk, coffee, masa, toilet paper, toothpaste, bread, tuna, feminine products, baby food, cookies for the kiddos, crackers, canned vegetables and a few other things.  One woman told us she was so thankful because she had no food in the house and didn't know what they were going to eat next!  Thank you to our anonymous donor for your heart to want to help us in our efforts here.  Our team was grateful for the opportunity to help and pray with these families.