Thursday, March 14, 2013
Bloomin' Onions Coming This Saturday!!
GTD is excited to partner with People Helping People of Pinellas Park for a fundraiser on Sat March 16, 2013 at the 23rd Annual Country In The Park Festival in Pinellas Park.
We will be making & selling PHP's delicious version of "Blooming Onions" all day long. So come out and visit Laurie & I while you enjoy the festivities as well as a Bloomin' Onion.
2 days go... Come out & enjoy the deliciousness this Sat (10a - 10p) at England Brothers Park in Pinellas Park, FL. Look for us at the People Helping People booth!!
This is a great family friendly event!!
Check out all the event info here.
Info & directions to England Brothers Park: Here!
PS: VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: This Saturday (16th) GTD is working a food booth along side People Helping People at Country In The Park (Pinellas Park). All proceeds will be donated to GTD. If you have time and are interested in volunteering we need your help. The booth is open from 10am-10pm and then the clean up begins! Your welcome to spend the day or just a couple hours. Please contact us if you are interested in helping. Thank you in advance.