As we are sadly closing the chapter of my parents' AMAZING involvement in GTD I'm so blessed to know their legacy will live on as long as GTD lives on. As I pick up the pieces and begin to sit back up from the knockout blow of losing Dad a few months ago I'm also surveying "the damage" of the things I fell waaaaay behind on. Being available for my parents didn't come easy or without great sacrifices. GTD wouldn't exist without my parents. It wouldn't have grown without my parents. It wouldn't have survived the harsh years without my parents. It wouldn't have thrived without my parents. They were as much a part of this ministry as my Sister and I are. So when I say "survey the damage" from years of Caregiving I don't mean it as a complaint... I'm just trying to articulate that I didn't fall behind because I'm lazy or I was playing video games or I was shirking my responsibilities... I'm simply saying that, along with my Sister and several incredible people, I poured the last 5 years of my life into taking care of my parents and in doing so I fell waaaaay behind on EVERYTHING in my life... everything got less than it needed... it almost killed me and required waaaaay more than I had to give (but it was totally worth it).... so as I look around at my house, my ministry, my life it's all waaaaay behind on everything. It's just a fact... a status report. There isn't a single thing that doesn't need some type of attention STAT. Soooooo we are playing catch-up on everything. One of those things is our corporate finances. Jan has kindly stepped up to replace me as GTD's bookkeeper. The best I could stay on top of the past 5 years was paying the bills, paying the paychecks, & entering in all the donations & income. So we are 2 years behind on entering our expenses & monthly statements. We have until May 3rd to complete the 2023 bookkeeping and have it audited by Fredrick James Accounting (they're AMAZING!!) and then submitted to the IRS. Then we are on to 2024... and then on to 2025. It's an arduous task, but Jan is a quick & brilliant learner and she is doing a JANtastic job!!! A lot of my posts in 2025 will be very similar to this post... things we are waaaaay behind on and catching up on with the goal of RELAUNCHING GTD for our 30th Anniversary!!! TEASER ALERT: I'm EXCITED to share that our spectacular friend Jason Lazzaro ( ) is currently working on rebranding GTD with an entirely new logo, new colors, new website, new graphics, new everything!!! He specializes in building "HECK-YA!" brands and I'm thrilled he is a part of the GTD family!! The new logo & rebranding will be unveiled at this year's banquet in November!! Thank you for your continued prayers & encouragements... I'm forever indebted with the debt of love.